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【體路專欄】Stryd教學 #2 : Running Stress Score

【體路專欄】配速?距離? 訓練時數?Running Stress Score!


  • A) 1隻10K@6:00/km
  • B) 2隻5K@5:30/km

邊課對身體負荷大啲、 扣多啲血?好難衡量吧!衡量唔到,又點訂立有系統課表?跑步新手嘅你,夠經驗去評估嗎?

Running Stress Score(RSS)
RSS = 100 x training duration x (Power/Critical Power)^K
Critical Power = the highest power that a runner can maintain in a quality-steady state without fatiguing
K = coefficient accounts for the fact that different intensity levels spur different physiological adaptations

先唔理上面好複雜難明嘅formula,RSS就係你𠴱課:出嘅力 x 時間,得出一個總數,越大就越扣血。唔好以為用9:00/km跑咗20KM就當係好大嘅訓練,

用咩Pace去跑,,好個人,有真實數據,你就會更了解自已做過啲乜。對於self coaching嘅朋友會特別有用,有咗 #Stryd 跑步power meter,你就可以有以上嘅數據。

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