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Together We Care 2020

Together We Care 2020

J  anuary 21-23, 2021 – Hong Kong Elite Athletes Association and the event main sponsor Hong Kong Jockey Club, the co-organizer YWCA, the sponsors Li Ning, A.S. Watson Group and Unicycling Association of Hong Kong, and the supporting organization Po Leung Kuk Riverain Primary School joined hands to launch the “Together We Care 2020”.

Together We Care was first initiated by elite athletes and has walked into its 16th year. It has been held successfully in the past and is launched again this year. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, home visits and kick-off ceremony were cancelled. Nevertheless, Hong Kong elite athletes have teamed up with volunteers from the Hong Kong Jockey Club and the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Thei) to prepare the goodies bag at Po Leung Kuk Riverain Primary School in three consecutive days for those in need. The goodies bag will then be distributed to YWCA centres for 2,500 solitary and low-income families in 12 districts, including Sai Wan, Sai Wan Ho, Ho Man Tin, Wong Tai Sin, Ngau Tau Kok, Sham Shui Po, Tsing Yi, North District, Sha Tin, Tseung Kwan O, Tin Shui Wai and Tuen Mun, so as to send them love and warmth.

The event theme this year is “Anti-epidemic”, thus, the goodies items sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club are not limited to food and daily necessities, such as rice, crackers, oatmeal, ping on ointment, calendar and magnifying nail clippers, but also including epidemic prevention supplies sponsored by A.S. WatsonGroup, such as face mask and hand sanitizers. On top of that, 7 Hong Kong active and retired elite athletes, including Lee Lai Shan, Wong Tak Sum, Ma Man Sum, Fu Ka Chun, Cheung Siu Lun, Shek Wai Hung, Lui Lai Yiu and the students and parents from Po Leung Kuk Riverain Primary School have written message cards to show their care and encouragement.

This year, in the “Together We Care 2020”, the volunteers have also practiced the “Just · Simple” project, mainly by reducing waste through a simple life. Simple life is a way of doing justice, and it can also be interpreted as “very simple”, or practice is not difficult, which encourages action. As for the “Just”, it means “righteousness” and “volunteer”. “Just · Simple” is promoted mainly through voluntary activities, supporting the needs of the poor, helping the poor through personal visits to the vulnerable families, and environmental protection concepts and methods. Vulnerable families include low-income families, newly arrived families, families living in subdivided flats, street sleepers, seniors living alone, and families with children with special learning needs.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club is the largest charitable public welfare organization in Hong Kong. As the main sponsor of the event, in addition to funding, the Jockey Club has mobilized more than 40 volunteers to participate in the event.

 (22/1) Athletes involved in goodies packing include:

Karate – Ma Man Sum

Cycling – Li Yin Yin

Footabll – Leung Kam Fai, So Ka Nok

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【Press Release】香港精英運動員與香港賽馬會攜手發動「愛心送暖行動」

Press Release
















1) 香港高等教育科技學院的義工努力包裝禮物包。

2) 香港賽馬會社區關係高級經理鄭琪先生(後排右四)及香港賽馬會義工隊盡顯愛心,為慈善出一分力。

3) 香港精英運動員協會委員趙詠賢(上圖)、香港空手道運動員馬文心(左一)、單車運動員李燕燕(右二)、足球運動員梁金輝(左二)及蘇嘉諾(左一)等齊心協助包裝物資。

4) 李麗珊及黃德森夫婦、馬文心、傅家俊、張小倫、石偉雄、呂麗瑤等一眾精英運動員以及保良局雨川小學的家長及學生親筆撰寫了鼓勵和慰問的心意卡。

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此新聞稿由動力國際體育商業顧問有限公司 (ActionHouse International Limited) 代表香港精英運動員協會發佈。
詳情垂詢,請致電2688 0486與香港精英運動員協會聯絡。

香港精英運動員協會簡介香港精英運動員協會(前體院匯友社) 於一九九六年成立,是由一群退役及現役的香港精英運動員組成,為一獨立運動員組織及非牟利之合法團體,致力於推動香港體育發展,及鼓勵運動員為社會服務,回饋社會。其宗旨為:(一)發揚體育精神,團結會員力量,推動本地體育發展;(二) 推廣及提升精英運動員的公眾形象;(三) 鼓勵及籌組各會員參與公益事務,貢獻社會;(四) 關注體育發展事宜;(五) 增進各會員彼此間的認識、友誼及團結,發揮互助精神。